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Member development programs


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Member development programs


More About MDPS

NSU Finance Club, a dynamic community within the heart of North South university dedicated to cultivating the different business acumen and professional growth of its members.

At NSU Finance Club, we go beyond traditional academic learning to provide a platform where students can actively engage in their personal and professional development. Our club stands out through its commitment of exemplifying and fostering a well-rounded skill set through our four flagship MDPs which are:Talk101, Pitch Drill, Pen Fight, and Rev Up.

These initiatives are designed to empower our members with practical skills, foster insightful discussions, and ignite a passion for finance. Join us as we embark on a journey of exploration, collaboration, and continuous learning in the exciting realm of finance.

Talk 101

By confronting the challenge of stage fright head-on, Talk101 empowers members to master the art of public speaking, a skill crucial in the professional world. It is basically an open platform encouraging members to warm up and participate in uninhibited discussions on a myriad of topics. While it is set up as an one way communication, often members include Q/A sessions to include the audiences, making it platform to share there thoughts on different discussed topics. This inclusivity promotes a supportive community where everyone feels encouraged to participate


In “Pitch Drill,” members engage in immersive sessions where they hone the art of confidently pitching ideas and securing sponsors through real-world scenarios. Understanding what sponsors seek and tailoring pitches accordingly develops financial acumen, a key attribute for anyone involved in business, entrepreneurship, or finance. In essence, this MDP equips members not only with the practical skills necessary for success in business but also instills a mindset of adaptability and resilience, essential traits in today’s fast-paced and competitive business landscape.


Embrace the power of words in Pen Fight, a program inspired by Friedrich Nietzsche’s quote, “All I need is a sheet of paper and something to write with, and then I can turn the world upside down.” This program is a meticulously designed literary journey, a meaningful MDP, singularly focused on cultivating the tales of each participant and encouraging in-depth research culpabilities. Participants embark on a journey of self-discovery, using words to illuminate their experiences, perspectives, and aspirations.


“Enliven” is a high-energy competition that focuses on startups’ pitching prowess, where participants showcase their entrepreneurial vision and potential growth to a discerning panel of investors. This event is designed to bring together innovation, entrepreneurship, and investment in a dynamic platform. Beyond the competition, participants receive valuable feedback from seasoned investors. This constructive criticism serves as a guide for refining business strategies and presentations. Additionally, successful participants may gain access to mentorship opportunities. The networking aspect of this extends beyond the competition, fostering relationships that can contribute to the long-term success of the startups. “Enliven” is not just about winning a competition; it serves as a genuine avenue for startups to attract potential investors. Investors attending the event may express interest in funding promising ventures, providing a tangible path for financial support and robust entrepreneurial ecosystem by bringing together investors, mentors, and startups.


“Rev Up” offers participants a dynamic experience by combining a 360° marketing competition with enlightening workshops facilitated by industry specialists. From strategic planning to execution, participants navigate real-world scenarios, applying their creativity and analytical skills. Industry specialists conduct workshops, providing participants with insights into the latest trends, tools, and strategies in the ever-evolving field of marketing. These sessions serve as a knowledge bridge, connecting theoretical concepts with practical applications. The competition and workshops create a platform for participants to expand their network, fostering connections that may lead to mentorship or future collaboration.


Join NSU Finance Club and embark on a transformative journey where member development is our foremost priority.


Join NSU Finance Club and embark on a transformative journey where member development is our foremost priority.